Multi-modal Optimisation of Road-space in Europe

Duration: 01/09/2018 to 01/09/2021
Funding: HORIZON 2020

EIP's role in the project
Cross work package envolvement, focusing on Future scenarios: new technologies, demographics and patterns of demand
In the MORE project EIP focuses on:
Assessing and projecting future lifestyle changes that
will impact on the user needs on multi-modal corridors
The definition of scenarios for future demand and supply on MORE corridors
Reviewing the current practice for stakeholer engagement in corridor planning and management, deploying methods for the process evaluation and generating common recommendations
Project awareness and branding strategy
The primary aim of MORE is to provide a comprehensive and objective approach to the planning, design, management and operation of road-space on major urban corridors feeding the inter-national Ten-T road networks.
MORE focuses on areas where expanding or building new urban roads is not an option, in order to optimize the limited road-space and capacity through the development of new concepts, tools and processes (which will be developed and tested in five cities).
This will take into account the multi-modal functioning of the corridors and their links with major intermodal interchanges (e.g. ports), as well as other policy requirements; thereby enabling city authorities to optimally allocate the limited available capacity, in space and time.
MORE is a leading-edge project in many respects. It represents a major advance through its more holistic, multi-modal treatment of urban feeder corridor routes, in terms of the way we think about the urban road- space allocation and associated modal interchanges, in the development of techniques to enable optimization on the ground, and in the employment of new technologies and management strategies.
The findings will be of great value to the TEN-T Urban Node cities and other larger cities across Europe and beyond, as cities cope with increasing pressures on their major road networks. They will benefit from the sharing of knowledge, ideas and skills across a range of organizations and geographical and cultural contexts.
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