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Sustainable shared mobility interconnected with public transport in European rural areas (developing the concept of ‘smart rural transport areas’)


Image by Thomas Tucker

Duration: 01/04/2018 to 31/03/2020
Funding: DG MOVE


EIP's role in the project

EIP is leading Task 3 of the project - Awareness raising activities.


In SMARTA EIP aimed to:


  • Increase the awareness in rural remote areas about the project’s objectives, approach and solutions


  • Engage and involve the most relevant stakeholders at regional, national and European level in the project’s message and proposed solutions


  • Foster the transferability of results at EU level through- out the production of roadmap and recommendations for the definition of consistent transport policy for the improvement of mobility quality in rural areas.


Rural public transport services in Europe are under stress, due to a combination of factors including aus- terity measures, depopulation and ageing popula- tions. The reality is that many rural areas throughout Europe do not have the range of mobility services and connections that are required by the people who live and work there.


The SMARTAs project presents a very exciting opportu- nity to conceptualize, identify and pilot ‘smart trans- port services’ in rural areas. The project consortium proposes to gain a deep understanding of the nature and the evolution of mobility needs for diverse rural populations and to assess how sustainable, shared mobility systems can help enhance their mobility and travel experiences. This will be achieved through:


  • Identifying current and emerging good practice across the EU Member States


  • The deployment of real-life services, connect- ed as part of an open and multimodal network, where innovative digital solutions and shared mobility services will be tested and evaluated for various user groups


  • The acquired knowledge, results, lessons learned and recommendations will be shared and dis- cussed with identified relevant stakeholders, and will be actively disseminated. The aim is to increase take-up of both good practice and of innovations.



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